Friday, September 11, 2009

indian horoscope matching

Horoscope matching is done in Hindus when two people are considering marriage and want to determine their compatibility. This report consists of the vedic birth chart of both the boy and girl and the matching report as per ancient Vedic principles and determines temperament compatibility, mutual love, strength of the marital bond, financial prosperity post marriage, progeny, sexual compatibility amongst other things A very important factor considered when matching horoscopes is the position of Mars in the horoscope. This may make a person a Mangalik. A Mangalik must marry only another Mangalik. Marriage to a non Mangalik can result in death, disease or misfortune in several areas depending on the houses affected.

This analysis includes the birth chart of the girl and boy, both plus an analysis of the points they score in the above aspects, the total points assigned are 36, a score of less than 18 is considered low and marriage in not advisable between the couple. Even if the score is higher but one of them is a Mangalik but the other is a Non Mangalik, the marriage is not advisable.

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